In the city of Nashville, Tennessee, the narrator arrives and is immediately struck by the drizzly weather and the lack of activity after sundown. He stays at a renovated hotel and meets a man named Major Caswell, who is loud and obnoxious.
The narrator also visits a woman named Azalea Adair, who is poor and living in a decayed mansion.
Azalea Adair describes her imaginative travels and experiences.
I have traveled many times around the world in a golden airship wafted on two wings—print and dreams.
He offers her a contract to write for a magazine and learns that she is married to a drunken man who steals her money. The narrator expresses his surprise upon learning that Azalea Adair is married to Major Caswell.
I thought she was Miss Adair.
The narrator witnesses Major Caswell's death and suspects that he was murdered for his money. He leaves the city the next day and throws away a button that he found in Major Caswell's hand. The summary ends with the narrator wondering what is happening in Buffalo.