The narrator recounts his friendship with Baron Ritzner von Jung, a noble Hungarian known for his talent in mystification. They met at the Château Jung and later reunited at a university, where the Baron's eccentric behavior and influence over the students became legendary. The narrator observed the Baron's ability to make others believe he was serious and dignified, even when he was secretly amused by their antics.
One night, a group of students, including the narrator and the Baron, gathered for a drinking party. The conversation turned to the topic of dueling, and the Baron passionately defended the practice. Hermann, a fellow student and renowned duelist, took offense to the Baron's remarks and challenged him to a duel.
The Baron responded by throwing a decanter of wine at Hermann's reflection in a mirror, shattering it.
I shall discharge this decanter of wine at your image in yonder mirror, and thus fulfil all the spirit, if not the exact letter, of resentment for your insult.
The narrator was asked to mediate the dispute, and Hermann demanded an explanation for the Baron's actions. The Baron, in turn, referred Hermann to a passage in a nonsensical book on dueling, which Hermann had previously studied and believed to be a serious work. Hermann, not wanting to admit his confusion, accepted the Baron's explanation as satisfactory and dropped the matter.
The nicety of your discernment in all the matters here treated, will be sufficient, I am assured, to convince you that the mere circumstance of me referring you to this admirable passage, ought to satisfy your request, as a man of honor, for explanation.
The Baron later revealed to the narrator that he had intentionally introduced Hermann to the absurd book, knowing that Hermann's pride would prevent him from admitting he didn't understand it. The Baron's clever manipulation of the situation demonstrated his mastery of mystification and his ability to make others believe in his sincerity, even when he was secretly mocking them.