Shearing the Wolf (Henry)
Jeff and Andy, concerned for their friend, decided to accompany Murkison to Chicago to prevent him from being swindled. Upon arriving in Chicago, they discussed a plan to expose the swindler. However, Jeff suddenly turned on Murkison, accusing him of being just as bad as the swindler for trying to take advantage of the situation.
It’s you supposedly respectable citizens who are always on the lookout to get something for nothing, that support the lotteries and wild-cat mines and stock exchanges and wire tappers of this country.
Jeff demanded Murkison hand over the money he had brought to buy the counterfeit bills and threatened to expose his actions in Grassdale if he didn't comply.
Murkison reluctantly handed over the money, and Jeff and Andy left him in the hotel room. On the train ride back, Andy questioned Jeff's actions, not fully understanding his friend's moral compass. Jeff insisted that his actions were justified, as he had prevented Murkison from committing a crime and potentially ruining his reputation in Grassdale.
Jeff, some time when you have the leisure I wish you’d draw off a diagram and foot-notes of that conscience of yours. I’d like to have it to refer to occasionally.