Teddy McArdle, a ten-year-old boy, is on a ship with his parents. His father, Mr. McArdle, is lying in bed, complaining about the weather and telling Teddy to get down from a bag he is standing on. Teddy is wearing dirty clothes and has a crossed eye. His mother, Mrs. McArdle, is lying in bed and tells Teddy to jump on the bag. Teddy talks to his parents about a man he met in the gym who heard a tape Teddy made.
Teddy's father gets angry and tells him to get a haircut. Teddy goes to find his sister, Booper, and gives her the camera. Teddy then goes to the deck and sits in a chair, reading his notebook. A man named Bob Nicholson sits next to him and they have a conversation about emotions and spirituality.
During their conversation, Teddy explains his approach to education and the importance of self-discovery and meditation.
I think I’d first just assemble all the children together and show them how to meditate. I’d try to show them how to find out who they are, not just what their names are and things like that.
Teddy also discusses the limitations of logic and the need to let go of preconceived notions to truly understand the world.
I mean if you vomit it up, then you won’t have any more trouble with blocks of wood and stuff. You won’t see everything stopping off all the time.
Teddy leaves to go to his swimming lesson, and Nicholson follows him. As they go down the stairs, they hear a scream.