Martian citizen Ettil Vrye, facing the scorn of his fellow-Martians for refusing to join the Martian invasion of Earth, found himself arrested and taken aboard the invasion fleet against his will.
Convinced that the Martians' plan to invade Earth would spell their inevitable defeat, Ettil remained apprehensive as they made the journey.
'No, I don’t believe Earthmen can actually do that—no. But they have a background, understand, Assignor, of generations of children reading just such fiction, absorbing it.'
Upon arrival, however, instead of retaliating, Earth's response to the invasion was unexpectedly warm and hospitable. From girlish giggles emanating from beauty salons to bustling movie theaters and seemingly harmless traffic mishaps, all Martian received a hearty welcome. A profoundly disoriented Ettil was picked up by R.R Van Plank, an ambitious Hollywood producer who hired Ettil as a technical advisor for a movie he planned to make about the Martian invasion.
As Van Plank nonchalantly listed out his plans to profit from the Martian invasion, Ettil, struck by the quiet horrifying realization of Earth's true weapon against them, made a desperate attempted to escape, only to meet his demise under the wheels of a speeding car driven by a group of merry-making teenagers.