Short Summary
Mars, 1999-2026. As Earth faced mounting tensions leading to atomic war, various expeditions attempted to colonize Mars. The first two expeditions vanished mysteriously. The Third Expedition found an exact replica of their hometown, but it was a trap - the crew was killed by Martians who could create illusions.
The Fourth Expedition succeeded in landing, but tensions arose between those who wanted to preserve Martian culture and those eager to exploit it. One crew member killed several others in an attempt to protect Mars from human contamination.
As colonization progressed, settlers transformed Mars with Earth-style towns and businesses. The few surviving Martians mostly avoided the newcomers, though some interactions occurred through telepathy and illusion. When nuclear war broke out on Earth in 2005, most colonists returned home, leaving Mars nearly abandoned.
The final story followed a family that escaped Earth's destruction to start anew on Mars. The father burned their Earth maps and documents, symbolically breaking ties with their ruined world. When his children asked to see Martians, he led them to a canal.
The Martians were there. Timothy began to shiver. The Martians were there - in the canal - reflected in the water. Timothy and Michael and Robert and Mom and Dad. The Martians stared back up at them for a long, long silent time
Their reflection in the water revealed the truth - they themselves were now the Martians, the new inhabitants of the red planet, carrying the responsibility to build a better civilization than the one they left behind.
Detailed Summary
Chapter division is conditional.
First Contact and Failed Expeditions
In January 1999, the first rocket launch to Mars changed an Ohio winter into summer with its heat. In February, on Mars, Mrs. K lived in a crystal house by an empty sea with her husband Mr. K. She began having dreams of a man named Nathaniel York who would arrive from Earth. Her husband grew increasingly jealous of these dreams, and when York and his companion actually landed, Mr. K shot them both, killing the First Expedition. Meanwhile, Earth remained unaware of their fate.
They had a house of crystal pillars on the planet Mars by the edge of an empty sea, and every morning you could see Mrs. K eating the golden fruits that grew from the crystal walls, or cleaning the house with handfuls of magnetic dust
The Second Expedition met an even stranger fate. When they landed, they found themselves in what appeared to be an Earth town populated by their long-lost relatives. In reality, it was a trap set by the telepathic Martians, who used the astronauts' own memories against them. The entire crew was led to a supposed family reunion and then killed in an insane asylum.
The Third Expedition and Cultural Conflict
The Third Expedition, led by Captain John Black, landed on Mars to find what appeared to be a small American town from the 1920s. Despite their suspicions, the crew was gradually lured in by the seemingly impossible nostalgia of home.
Like their predecessors, they too were deceived by Martians who had telepathically created an elaborate illusion based on the humans' own memories. That night, while the crew slept in their supposed relatives' homes, the Martians murdered them all. The next morning, sixteen new graves appeared in the local cemetery.
The Fourth Expedition, however, succeeded in landing and establishing a foothold on Mars. Among its crew was Jeff Spender, an archaeologist who became deeply moved by the dead Martian civilization he discovered. He learned their language and culture, and was horrified by his fellow crew members' disrespectful attitude toward the ancient ruins.
The Great Migration and Transformation
The rockets came like drums, beating in the night. The rockets came like locusts, swarming and settling in blooms of rosy smoke... And from the rockets ran men with hammers in their hands to beat the strange world into a shape that was familiar
As more rockets arrived from Earth, the colonization of Mars began in earnest. Benjamin Driscoll, one of the early settlers, took it upon himself to plant thousands of trees to help create oxygen. One morning, after a night of rain, he awoke to find all his plantings had grown into a vast forest overnight, transforming the Martian landscape.
Among the settlers was Sam Parkhill, who opened the first hot dog stand on Mars, convinced that he would make a fortune once more settlers arrived. When Martians appeared to give him a vast tract of land, he initially reacted with hostility and fear, only to later learn that they knew Earth was about to be destroyed in a nuclear war.
The Silent Interlude
After most colonists returned to Earth for the war, Walter Gripp found himself alone on Mars. When he discovered another survivor, Genevieve Selsor, he was initially excited but fled upon meeting her, preferring solitude to her company. He continued to live alone, never answering his phone again.
The old Martian names were names of water and air and hills... And the rockets struck at the names like hammers, breaking away the marble into shale, shattering the crockery milestones that named the old towns
In the deserted Martian landscape, William Thomas created robot replicas of his dead family members, unable to let go of his past life. When Captain Wilder returned to Mars after twenty years in space, he discovered Thomas's secret but chose to leave the robots functioning, understanding the comfort they provided to the lonely man.
The Final Wave and New Beginning
Science ran too far ahead of us too quickly, and the people got lost in a mechanical wilderness... Wars got bigger and bigger and finally killed Earth. That's what the silent radio means. That's what we ran away from.
As nuclear war broke out on Earth, a final group of refugees made their way to Mars. Among them was Timothy and his family, who escaped just before the destruction of Earth. His father explained that they were starting anew, burning their Earth maps and documents, ready to become the new Martians.
They came to Mars to get away from something... They came because they were afraid or unafraid, because they were happy or unhappy... because they felt like Pilgrims or did not feel like Pilgrims.
Back on Earth, in a fully automated house that continued its daily routines long after its inhabitants had perished in the nuclear war, the artificial intelligence carried on making meals, cleaning, and reciting poetry until fire finally destroyed it. The house's destruction symbolized the end of Earth's technological civilization.
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground... And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone... The house tried to save itself. Doors sprang tightly shut, but the windows were broken
The chronicles concluded with Timothy's father taking his family to see the Martians. When the children asked where the Martians were, he showed them their own reflections in a canal. The human refugees had become the new Martians, ready to start civilization anew on the red planet, hopefully learning from the mistakes of Earth. The story ended with this symbolic passing of the torch from the ancient Martian civilization to the human settlers who would become the new Martians.